Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Dream

A Key West Waterspout
We lived in Navy housing in Sigsbee Park.  There was a large basin behind our duplex located on Truxton Road, with a canal that led out into the open water.  In Key West it is not unusual to see waterspouts over the water any time when we had any kind of weather change.

In the dream/night vision, we were in our boat that we kept tied to our dock in back, but we were not tied to the dock at the time, we were anchored down in the basin.

From the south/east all the way around to the north/east, the sky was dark with storm clouds.  We were tossing and pitching on the waves in the basin.

Suddenly out of the north/west a huge, very black waterspout came into view.  I could tell by the way it was headed we were in its pathway, and I just knew we would be destroyed!

A Tornado or Whirlwind
 for illustration purpose
But, the closer it got to us, the lighter and brighter it became.  It came to within I would guess about 50 to 75 feet of where we were anchored, and hovered there.

The mighty roaring sound of it was almost deafening. And it was so brilliant I had to clinch my eyes almost shut to look at it.

It became transparent, and I could see what appeared to be an elevator that came sliding down the shaft, the doors rolled back, and He stepped out.  I knew in the vision exactly who He was. He moved through the air, but I did not see His feet moving.  He just moved.

Chuck was on the bow seat, both our children were on the middle seat and I was on the stern seat.  The Lord Jesus Christ moved around the bow, and He approached to my left.  He stood beside the boat, and looked into my eyes with the most piercing look of love I have ever seen!

He never spoke a word to me.  He was wearing gold mesh gloves that covered His hands up to the elbows.  He peeled the glove from His right hand as you would peel an onion skin; He leaned over, and laid it on the boat seat beside me.  He straightened, and stood for a bit longer just staring into my eyes with that deep piercing look of love. 

He turned, and moved back into the elevator.  The doors closed, and the shaft pulled up into the whirlwind, and the storm clouds totally dissipated, there was such calmness and peacefulness.  I knew even in the night vision; I would make it then! 

The God of my childhood had revealed Himself to me in a way that I could easily understand that He does exist, and He does care about us.  He will come to us wherever we are when we call out to Him!

It has been a long journey of learning since that time.  The way has been anything but smooth.  I was definitely delivered from alcohol and drug addiction.  I went through some heavy duty withdrawal, and I had a few temporary slips over the course of the next few years, but by the grace of God I made it!

Through the way my deliverance came, the Holy Spirit taught me how to reason things out and make good choices, most all of the previous choices I had ever made were wrong for my life.

By his mercy and grace and the power and strength given in that night vision, I still walk in the deliverance and freedom from alcohol and drug addiction! 

Note: the illustration photos above are not exactly what I saw, but it will give the reader an idea of what I saw in that dream/night vision. The sky was totally dark and the whirlwind became much lighter and brighter. It definitely got my attention, which was God's plan...

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