Friday, July 3, 2015


In times of inner turmoil which produces great changes in our lives, we often return to old familiar places. Such is the situation I’ve found myself in lately. This morning I found myself walking on the beach in the old neighborhood that I’ve walked on many times over a period of many years.

Seeking solace for my troubled soul and solitude that I might hear again that still small voice within my spirit giving clear direction for my footsteps.

As I walked and cried out to God ~ sweet memories drifted through my mind of many other times He had walked this beach with me. And the many changes in my life already because of our times together on this beach.

I was reminded that it was on this very beach, I learned that He is the God of my finances. He is my provider ~ the source and supply of all my needs!

We had not long been moved to Cedar Key. Chuck had been working on the “Dipper” for R.B. Davis. He had just recently rebuilt the diesel engine, and he now had her on the beach to scrape the barnacles off her bottom and paint her. When she was ready Chuck would use her for turtling for awhile, it was legal to harvest turtle then.

Chuck had been taught the art of turtling by one of the best, Genie Andrews.
His dream, all those years he spent in the US Navy serving his country; was to someday return to Cedar Key and spend his time on the water fishing and turtling.

We had been working for quite awhile scraping barnacles, which is back-breaking work. When we took our break I decided to go for a walk on the beach instead of sitting down to rest.

I had been praying about our finances, there was always more month left at the end of the money, you know where I’m coming from, and you borrow from Peter to pay Paul and vice-versa. Ever been there?

As I was walking along I was looking down, I almost stepped on a dollar bill. I walked a few more feet and picked up another one, a few more feet and picked up a ten spot, not far ahead another dollar. Altogether I found $13.00 on the beach.

The money had been there for quite some time; the beach grass was growing over it, but it was still visible. Others had walked on this part of the beach, I could see their footprints, but they had not found the money, I had and wondered why?

I had been praying ~ trusting God to help us solve our money problems. But like many of us at times when we pray, wondering does He really hear our prayers, and does He really answer? Yes He does, answer to both questions.

I believe He chose this way to answer my prayers and to show me that He is my source. I know $13.00 doesn't sound like much very money today, but it wasn't the amount that was important anyway! This was in 1969 and it was a lot, Chuck’s Navy retirement as a twenty year Chief was $231.00 a month and his paycheck was $70.00 a week.

That $13.00 stretched a great distance, and spoke volumes to my spirit that the Lord is my source. Yes, He expects us to work, by the sweat of our brow we earn our livelihood, and yes He blesses our health to work.

But sometimes we get so full of ourselves we forget to look up and thank Him for being our source and the supply for all of our needs.

It was from this same beach that I was baptized in water into His death burial and resurrection ~ after I was born-again of the Spirit of God, another major change in my life.

This beach is such a special place ~ it was here I walked the first time when Chuck brought me to the Island when I was twenty years old and we were beginning our lives together.

It is no wonder I found myself walking on such familiar ground. As I looked around me I could see that even this old beach has had, and is going through some major changes and in time I wonder if in the future we’ll even be able to still walk here and commune with God. Or will it become a private beach as so many others already have in Florida?

We live in a constantly changing world and we mortals are in a constant state of change on a daily basis. Some for the better and some for the worse, amidst all these thoughts of changes I was reminded by my Father, the Lord never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

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