Saturday, September 27, 2014

Spooky Thing Happened

This is one of my stories that I have no explanation for, just one of those spooky things that happens at times to almost everyone.

It was after Chuck passed away and I was living in the woods alone, I always kept my porch light on at night and I had a pit bull named Thor that was an excellent watch dog. He would always bark if someone came.

I was watching TV and I heard him snarling, and growling and then he started barking. I got up and opened the door and he was stretched out as far as he could on the rope I kept him tied with at night, he was raising hell and all the hackles on his back standing straight up. I looked in the direction he was facing.

Lee Marvin in Cat Ballou
It was a bright moonlight night and standing in the eve of the back porch stood a big man. He was dressed like a cowboy. He was wearing a black hat with silver broaches around the band, like the one Lee Marvin wore in Cat Ballou.

Silver Boots
He was also wearing silver cowboy boots, I could see the gleam of them in the moonlight. His right side was toward me. 

He was wearing a long black duster. The shadow of the hat brim kept me from seeing his face clearly.
A Cowboy in a Black Duster
I was shocked and I started to ask him who he is and what did he want, and then I thought to myself, you idiot, what are you doing? 

He is a stranger and you have no idea what his intentions are. I closed and locked the door. I slipped into my bedroom and got my loaded shotgun that I kept beside my bed.

I eased into my bathroom and slowly opened the window, feeling I was in a better position to ask him who he is and what he wanted. There was no one there. And by this time the dog had hushed.

I began feeling foolish and would have talked myself into thinking it was just wild imagination, but if I had imagined it, why would the
dog have raised such a ruckus?

Sleep did not come easy for me that night I was jittery and could not make my mind shut down. Eventually sleep came. The next morning I made my coffee and went out on the front porch to drink it.

Immediately I began thinking about last night, so I got up and walked around the house to where the cowboy had been standing, just knowing I would find those boot prints and I could track him back to where he came in from. Only one dirt road in about a quarter mile.

I was totally amazed, there were no boot prints in the sand, so it left me scratching my head. I could believe that it was just my imagination except for Thor’s reaction.

I have thought about it many times since, but have never figured it out. I choose to believe it was an angel, and yes they do sometimes appear as a cowboy.

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