Sunday, October 6, 2013

More Extended Family

USS Grenadier SS 525

Chuck was transferred from the USS Marlin SS T-2 March 19, 1962 to the USS Grenadier SS 525 and served aboard her till October 21, 1963
USS Grenadier Insignia Patch

USS Grenadier Plaque
Jim Bainbridge was also stationed aboard the USS Grenadier SS 525 and Chuck had served with him briefly on the USS Quillback SS 424, but I didn't meet him or his family at that time.

They came over to our duplex on Truxton Road one night to have dinner with us. At that time their youngest was Christopher, and he was a baby. Besides Christopher they had Jimmy, Allen and Laura (Biffy) and she was a toddler.

Living with them was Meme, Molly’s sister and her daughter Bonnie. Housing, in Key West at that time was a critical situation, and you had to take whatever you could find that was available just to have a roof over your head.

They were all living in a one and a half bedroom trailer at Big Coppitt Key with one tiny A C window unit. Key West climate is like living in a steam room. They were on the list for a four bedroom duplex unit in Sigsbee Park, but had no clue as to how long they would have to wait.

Our duplex was a three huge bedrooms, with central air and heat. We invited them to stay with us till they got their own unit. Molly was bowled over; being from Newfoundland, she was not familiar with southern ways. 

They took some of their beds out of storage and moved in with us for three weeks till their unit became available. Navy folks are extended family, but then most Military folks are that way. 

All of us are a long way from home, and we had to make home wherever we were at any given time. Molly and I became best friends, and we still are best friends forever. 

It worked out great, I did all of the cooking, Molly and Meme took care of doing all of the dishes. We all did laundry. They shared the grocery bill, we had enough space no one felt cramped. And the best part for them was staying cool.

Molly makes the very best German Chocolate cake I have ever eaten. It became a tradition. She made one every year for us at Christmas, and she always decorated it with a Candy Cane poked down in the center, and a sprig of Holly with red berries.

A German Chocolate Cake

She and Jim would bring it over on Christmas Eve and have coffee and cake with us, after we got all the kids to bed, and while waiting till they were all asleep. Then they went home to put presents under the tree; like we did after they went home.

Besides God, and my husband Chuck, Molly was a great support to me during my recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, and she did not even realize at the time that I was recovering. She was my best friend and I could talk with her and Meme about anything at anytime I needed to talk. She lived one street over in Sigsbee Park.

The tradition of the German Chocolate cake and having coffee and cake together on Christmas Eve continued even after we all retired and lived in Cedar Key, for many years. 

I no longer live there and I really miss spending that time with her on Christmas Eve and having coffee and her delicious German Chocolate Cake and chatting. We talk on the phone, but it is just not quite the same. The memories are priceless!

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